All information about IMEI number what is the IMEI number? and How to check IMEI number?

What is the IMEI number

IMEI is a number which is different in all devices, in other words if you have a device than it has the IMEI number on surely basis however, the number of IMEI of your device can not be the part of other device. This number is only for your phone.

What is the use of IMEI number

All of you have SIM card in your phone, with IMEI number we can block the SIM card and know the location of that phone. But only police or sim card operators can do this work.

Suppose your phone is stolen And you do a police complaint And you have your IMEI number, you give it to the police So in this situation, the police gives your IMEI number to all SIM card operators And SIM card operators will block that SIM card and find its location If the thief removed your SIM card and inserted another operator's SIM card All operators will check that IMEI number And whichever company is accessing that IMEI number, in whose name is that company's card registered, and Gives the location and its name to the police and blocks the card This way police find your phone and grabs that thief.

How to check IMEI number 

There are many ways to know your phone's IMEI number, out of which several methods are given below.

1)   Go to your phone dialer and dial 


By dialling this, you will get to see your IMEI number in the Popup window on the dialer page.

2)  When you get a new phone, the IMEI number is written on the back or side of the phone box.

3)  IMEI number is also written on the back of your phone's SIM card slot

4)  To manually check IMEI number go to Setting > About phone > All specs > Status 

My opinion

  According to me, you should write your IMEI number somewhere so that in case of theft, you can give your IMEI number to the police So that you get your phone as soon as possible And you should never give your IMEI number to anyone.

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